
Repent...How Much?

Repentance is a concept that has become nothing more than a passphrase in the doctrine of salvation.  Does the Bible say "How much I am supposed to repent?...10%, 50%, 80%?  Repentance is turing around, insted of following our will and the world we are supposed to turn whole hearted to God...100%.  The Church no longer teaches 100%.  They teach God will work in your life and eventually you will be following God totally committed.  You know what that means, lukewarm!  Partially changed!  "I will go to Church and ask Jesus into my life but I will not quit hating my brother or move out of my audulterous life style."


Repentance is not partial surrender to Christ nor following just what you feel like yeilding to Him. Will you really repent?  The tribulation awaits those who feel the need to hang on to this life.

