2004 Prophecy of End
( What is happening and why we are experiencing the virus pandemic )
While reading one of my old Bibles I noticed a letter I sent out in June of 2004. In that letter I shared a word from the Lord that is now being fulfilled before our eyes. Here is part of that message:
The Lord has said of this generation "you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked..." We have not seen the first seal or the second seal or the third seal or the forth seal or the fifth seal but even in our blindness we will see the sixth seal. And now we will be refined by "fire". We are a generation who expects God to dance for us...we are a generation who say, "you must accept God", but God says that "He must accept us through genuine repentance". As leaders we have failed to see, as leaders we have failed to teach the sound doctrine of Repentance, as leaders we have taught that responsibility of righteousness is God's and not the believers, as leaders we have catered to the fleshly desires of the people and thus have profaned the Holy.
Judgement will begin in the house of the Lord. Through the fire we will be purged then those outside of the Church will see judgment and the wrath of God Almighty.
The Lord says to this generation of Believers "be zealous and repent". Love your God more than life and your neighbor as your self. "Where is your love?" "Where do you go for rest?" "What and who do you talk about all day long?" "Where is my (House of Prayer)?"
God is going to take away all the money. God is going to take away all the movies. God is going to take away all the places that you call rest. God is going to take away everthing that we have become comfortable in.
All of this will be done now so that we might be purged to perfection...spotless and without wrinkle...ready for Christ the groom to pick up His Bride.
Woe to the prophets who would say "peace, peace", woe to the prophets who would cause His Children to believe a lie, woe to the prophets who would cause His Children to rest in their sin, woe to the prophets who would say "thus says the Lord" when He has not spoken or said.
We must repent and tell those who follow us to repent. We must see our pride. We point at other churches and call them "Laodiceans" but have failed to see ourselves.
Will you turn now with me...or will it take more to open your eyes? Will you avoid the midst of the fire so you are ready to touch my hurting Children or will you not here the trumpet sound to come out of the world and not be part in the suffering that is coming?
Everyone can see what has happened to the world economy and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the dollar is just about to fail. We are fast approaching the one world government and the one world leader of the end times. If we have placed our hope, comfort, peace and love in the world and worldly things instead of the Lord we are about to be washed away into the perils of the last days. However, if we turn fully to Christ we will not suffer from those things which are now coming. What do we do? Jesus said "this is what the Father expects", He said "keep my commandments just like I kept my Fathers commandments". Jesus said this is my commandment, Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself".