Blocking out the Holy Spirit


Have you ever wondered about the Bible verses talking about hearing the Lord speak to us or the Holy Spirit “leading us and guiding us and teaching us all things”?  It just seems like it is not the same today as it was when the early church began.  But Gods Word tells us that He does not change and we have the same promises that were given to the early church.  So what is wrong?  Could it be that God does not send His Holy Spirit like he promised?  And what about the power that we are to have in the Holy Spirit?  Could it be that God just doesn’t do that any more?  I have heard many say that God only worked the miracles in the early Church but we don’t need that any more because we now have the Bible.  Yet I see small pockets around the world where there is revival and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with people being healed and miracles.  Why only in small pockets?  I could go on and on with the questions but I believe there is a simple answer, just like God says, so simple a child could understand and we must become like a child and believe.  When I say “like a child and believe” I am saying two things not just believe like a child but become like a child also.


So if this is so simple why can’t we see it?  Remember what the Lord said, “ask, seek, and knock”, and then He said what did not make a lot of sense, “you have not because you ask not”, when we say we are always asking but nothing is happening.  There are some conditions that must be met if we are to receive many of those requests from the Lord.  “What…I am a Christian and His child so what are you saying?”  Well, ask yourself, if I am a Christian and I have been baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit why am I not seeing the miracles and power of the Spirit as promised?  The simple answer…we do not give the Holy Spirit time or a place in our mind to lead, guide, and teach.  Without that we are powerless and weak.  We have blocked Him out.


Our days are so full and our minds are so full of other stuff we couldn’t hear Him if we wanted to.  It is the TV, the radio, the internet, the games, the books…media is blocking the Holy Spirit.  He can’t lead us if we can’t hear Him.  We can’t learn from Him if we are not taking the time to listen.  He is not in the business of busting into our minds just to give us a quick tip.  We can’t be filled with the Spirit if we constantly have a radio or other media flooding our minds.  Do you want to hear the Spirit comfort and teach you or do you want to be comforted by the words of the musician?  Let me put it another way, do you want to hear the words of a man, that may be going through the same stuff as you, or do you want to hear words from the God of the Universe, the creator of all things.  Most prefer the music or other media.  The Spirit speaks in a still small voice and there cannot be any competition.  If you’re thinking the words that are in the media you cannot hear the Spirit.  If you disagree show me the daily power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit in your life.  I am not saying that music is bad…I am saying you need to spend quality time in the presence of the Holy Spirit.  There is no substitute.  There is no substitute for the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life to bring the daily demonstration of power that will change your life and everyone you come into contact with.  The Bible tells us how powerless the church will be in the last days.  Our lives are a witness to that truth because we have filled our minds with so many other distractions that we cannot commit to the calling of the Lord “wait on Me”


Will you wait on the Lord?  Will you make that commitment?  Please don’t let the world deceive you into believing that you just need to fill your mind with more Christian music or more sermons on the radio, TV, or internet.  Become like a child, call upon your heavenly Father and ask Him for more of the Holy Spirit and “wait on the Lord”.

