Entering The Time Of The End


We must not look to the world as our home or homeland. Our home is in Heaven. If we look at the world and the troubles that are coming we will despair. Look to our home in Heaven and our soon coming Lord and King. This is our hope. Then when we see the signs of His coming, given in His Word, our hope will grow and sustain us, because He is our hope.  Many have roots in their physical land, city, state, country and will not agree with this or accept it. This will only put them in bondage and fear as they struggle to stop the onslaught of sin and evil that threatens their land.  We need to get our eyes on Jesus Christ and stay fixed on Him.

We are living on the edge of time just before Jesus Christ returns for His Church. Just over the horizon the antichrist will step up to rule the world. The Bible tells us that these will be perilous times and if He did not shorten these times even the very elect of Christ would be lost. "Mens hearts failing them for fear" we can really feel those words from right out of the Bible. "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13 KJV). That sounds very frightening when we look at the turmoil that is taking place around the world. If I stop and think of this actually happening I know my blood pressure will go up. Most people just get more and more frustrated and want to fight back against these evil people and because they don't know what to do they begin to lose hope.

Christ is our hope. If we keep our eyes on Him He will fill us with peace and give us assurance of His love and soon return.

Another frightening prophecy says there will be a falling away just before the end. As I look around I see family and friends affected by this falling away that is taking place. Churches are adopting more and more worldly concepts and many are rejecting Israel and God's chosen people. I hear more and more about Christians compromising the Word of God and their beliefs. "It is in the Bible" they say" but it just doesn't work that way". Many strong Christians, like Peter, have said everyone else may fall but not me. Yet when you look now there is but a small glow where there once was a raging fire for God. God is calling for us to turn come back to the days when we first knew Him...our first love and keep our eyes on Him. He will remove the bonds and free us from the fear that is raging out of control.

If you are not a Christian it is not too late. You too can have this hope. All of us were without hope before Jesus Christ died to pay for our sins. Just go to God in prayer with repentance asking Him in Jesus' name to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all that you have done that has not been acceptable to Him. He will save you, forgive you, and free you from bondage and fear.

