The Final Church Has Been Deceived


I have seen a trend in the world that has been building up for several years.  It is one of the side effects of modern society and the availability of information, media, technology and man’s drive to be better than everyone else.  This drive and knowledge is a snare that has separated the church from relying on the Holy Spirit and His work.  It is the Spirit that is the power to save, it is the Spirit that is the power to heal, and it is the Spirit that is the power to work miracles in our lives and in the lives of others.  Without the Spirit we are weak and fruitless.  Without the Spirit our efforts are in vain.


Just look at the unrest that is taking place around the world today.  Not just unrest but there is a sense in the air that things are really going wrong very fast.  It is an uncomfortable feeling to say the least.  More than ever the world needs to find hope and peace.  More than ever we need to experience the power of God in our lives.  I believe that we are in the time of the end that Bible prophets have told us about and we are racing toward that terrible time called the Tribulation.  The world needs to experience the power of God and God expects us to believe and work in that power.  But, this is a time when the scripture says the church will have a form of godliness but will deny or ignore the power of the Spirit.  Many Christians of that time will be wrapped up in themselves trying in their own power to be somebody; somebody important, somebody better than others, somebody who can say look at me what I can do, what I have done…  And at a time when there are endless gadgets, tools, books, and media to use to boost how they look, how they look so professional.  There is the belief that if they can just present the most professional environment or use the greatest talents available and the latest technology they will be able to draw and win over the world to Christ.  A form of godliness but using what the world uses to draw people!!!  This instead of the Holy Spirit???  How did the church get there???


The result is devastating.  The church has tried the worlds way with the last generation of kids.  Every week we would hear about the big meetings and how many kids accepted Christ.  We would see schools filled with kids worshiping God and singing, dancing and crying in what we were told was great revival.  Now look!!! Where are they???  Just a few years later and where are they?  All the flashy lights, all the fancy settings, the smoke machines, the video games that helped in getting them to come, all the prizes!  Where are the kids?  They went to our colleges and universities and they are gone!  How much more evidence does the church need before they realize that becoming more like the world is not the answer to reaching the lost!!!  How much more evidence does the church need before they realize it is not that our world has changed but it is the church that has changed!!!  The church uses media, technology and emotional presentations to draw people to God.  That is how the world draws people to it’s end!  I am not saying that having good tools is bad but the church has replaced the Spirit to do it their way.


God’s Word says we are drawn to God by the Spirit.  Only the Spirit…we are vessels that take what God pours in to us for us to pour out on others.  You can’t take anything in this world and put it in the vessel and expect it to do anything.  Jesus is our example.  He said take nothing with you…God still wants us to have nothing but the Spirit…is it too much to ask for us to just go in the Spirit, with the Spirit?  Only a deep personal prayer life with fasting will get the results we desire and God expects.  Jesus did it.  He spent many nights, all night in prayer.  He listened to the Spirit.  Only the Spirit can truly save…that is His work.  No amount of entertainment or show or lights or smoke or emotional manipulation can do one drop of drawing anyone to Christ.  Our job is to remain in the Spirit and to move the Spirit by prayer and spiritual sacrifice and to follow His leading.  And, He is not leading us to do it our way or the world’s way!  


This article describes the Laodicean Christians who will have to go through the tribulation and will not be raptured.  The Philadelphia Christians are still here and will not have to go through the tribulation.  Time is short though.  Let’s make sure our ways line up with His before it is to late.  God is purging the Church now so they are ready for His return.


Remember, God loves you and wants fellowship with you,


Ken Wyatt