The Holy Spirit
It is here! We need to prepare ourselves and our families. My message today is how to be prepared. I have told many people that they would have no doubts by the end of this
year. Even the most skeptical of genuine Christians will have no doubt that we are now entering the very last days just before the tribulation. I'm not talking about last days spoken
of by many in the church today, where they believe the Bible is referring to the time after Jesus Christ ascended to heaven 2,000 years ago. I'm talking about the end times spoken of in
God's Word that takes place just before the 7 years of tribulation. The end times where knowledge will increase. The end times where the Jews will again return to Jerusalem. The
end times where the whole world will turn against the Jews and they will be surrounded by their enemies. The end times where nations will try to divide Israel. The end times where
diseases will be rampant around the world. The end times where everything will be shaken that is not attached to the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ. The end times where the Christian will
be stalked and imprisoned and killed. The end times where evil will become good and good will become evil. I could go on and on, but just look at the news and you will see.
Terrorists are being protected in the US and Christians are increasingly being treated as terrorists. The rights of the terrorists are protected, but the Christian is losing even their
basic rights as a citizen. The judgment of God has begun.
The good news is Jesus is coming very very soon and until He does come we can have peace even through all the turmoil going on around us. Our peace comes through the Holy Spirit. For
many, now is the time to get acquainted with the Spirit - the third person of the Trinity of God. Jesus sent Him to be our comforter, to lead us, and guide us, and to teach us all things
about the Father. Jesus said as fathers like to give gifts to their children, even so, the Father gives good gifts and will give the Holy Spirit to us when we ask. The gift of the
Holy Spirit is for everyone and not for just a few. When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit you will be given a heavenly language just like the disciples and the Christians of the early
church. We are bathed with power when we use that heavenly language as we call upon the Father. You will find that the Holy Spirit will speak to you throughout the day and night,
leading you and comforting you. But, just like any gift, if you just set it aside and forget that it is there, it may look nice on the shelf, but you will cease to receive the benefits that
it provides. An old song goes:
There is a river that flows from deep within.
There is a river that frees the soul from sin.
Come to the waters, there is a vast supply.
There is a river that never shall run dry.
The river of the Holy Spirit is there for you. Many just sit under the tree of life and look at the river. It is so beautiful and so cool in the heat. So beautiful to
watch. Come to the water, put your feet in. Oh it is so good...oh so satisfying...don't stay under the tree. Feel the awesomeness of the Holy Spirit. Oh that is not good
enough...go in to the wonderful...the heat seems to fade away. Don't stop there, there is so much more! Don't look back at that tree. Go to the waist!...see it is so
wonderful, so satisfying. Remember the day you first received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Remember when you were first submerged in the Spirit...the overflowing waters of the
Spirit? Keep going, keep going deeper and deeper into the waters. Everything else fades away and as you make that final plunge into the waters of the Holy Spirit your eyes and ears
are opened to the divine power of God in the Holy Spirit as He begins to talk and show you the greatness and
awesomeness of the Father and as he gives to us the power to rise above the storm, above the troubles, above where even in the midst of the storm the sky is blue and there is peace, peace in the
time of the storm.
Are you experiencing that peace? The Father wants you to remain in His peace. Please don't leave the gift of the Holy Spirit on the shelf. It is for you and everyone around
Ken Wyatt